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Mitch Hedberg WikiQuote page
Mitch Hedberg (24 Feb 1968 - 30 Mar 2005), American Comedian


What You'll Wish You'd Known About what high school kids should know about life to make the most out of it and their eventual careers.
Words of the Year (1990-2003)
Pretty interesting... What's 'chad,' though?  I guess it's an American thing.

Mitch Hedberg WikiQuote page Mitch Hedberg (24 Feb 1968 - 30 Mar 2005), American Comedian
Words of the Year (1990-2003)
Pretty interesting... What's 'chad,' though?  I guess it's an American thing.
Damn Coke
This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.. read the first four posts
Happy New Year from CTRL+ALT+DEL
Happy new year, everyone...

World Events
Was God in This Disaster? "Turning to both Judaism and Buddhism for solace, the author meditates on God's role in the tsunami [of Dec. 2004] tragedy."
"I don't believe that a mass disaster, in and of itself, tells us anything about God. I don't believe in a God who punishes through disaster. The disaster is."
I'm linking directly to page two of this article.  Read page one if you want, but I thought page two was much more interesting.

Blind Painter
Check out these paintings by Esref Armagan.  He's been blind his entire life.
Escape From the Universe
About how we can escape into another universe when this one dies it's heat death.  Sounds like it would make a boring article, but it's actually well written and entertaining/interesting.
Crowds Smarter than Individuals "In one experiment, participants were asked to estimate the number of jelly beans in a jar. The group average was 871, only 2.5 percent off the actual figure of 850."
The part about the submarine is really incredible.
A Saturn moon with echoes of Earth
Titan's complex and strange world revealed

Remember the scene in Gatacca when Vincent (Ethan Hawke) explains to Irene (Uma Thurman) Titan, the moon that he will be visiting, by blowing smoke into a wine glass?  We now know what's under that smoke:  "[A]n alien expanse that has many of the hallmarks of a young Earth before the rise of organic life some 3 billion years ago."

High Trans-fat diet could harm the brain "trans-fats, such as those found in margarine, [...] are the worst culprits"
"damage in [...] the hippocampus, which is important for learning and memory."

Legal rights of computers "It's time to start thinking about how we might grant legal rights to computers."

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